We are starting to see increased excitement about our 2024 holiday year so this may be a good time to remind everyone about the terms of the holidays
Holidays are offered to members of HM Armed Forces, both past and present, who have suffered injury in mind or body as a result of their service. The offer covers the veteran, a partner or friend and any dependent children under 18. The holiday covers flights, transfers, accommodation at the Merton Hotel on a half board basis, a bus pass and free or reduced price access to many of the Island's major attractions.
Please note that the holidays are a one time only experience and regrettably we cannot welcome returning guests. This year each applicant will be asked to confirm in writing that neither they, nor their guest have participated in a previous H4HJ holiday before being awarded a holiday.
We are able to offer a variety of room types to cover the range of our guests needs but we have seen past applicants applying for larger rooms than they require. Anyone doing this in the 2024 holiday year will have their application rejected and they will not receive a holiday. For couples, the only rooms which are appropriate are doubles or twins, with larger rooms being reserved for families.
We also have 2 wet rooms which have walk in showers rather than a shower in the bath. We would ask anyone applying for these rooms to consider whether they really need a wet room or whether it could be saved for a guest who cannot use a shower in the bath.
To manage logistics here in Jersey we will be limiting the number of applicants from any given Airport to 6 per holiday week. This should ensure smooth transfers to and from the hotel and a more relaxed experience for all involved including our wonderful taxi drivers.
Finally, the 2024 holiday year will consist of seven weeks. We will be running two holiday weeks in May (including the Liberation Day celebations), one in June, one in July, two in August and one in September. The July and August weeks will have a higher percentage of family rooms to coincide with the school holidays.
Applications will open in early January.
We look forward to meeting lots of new friends in 2024